1. Enter collected trot. Halt, salute. Proceed collected trot
2. Track right Medium trot
3. (Transitions M and V) Collected trot
4. Shoulder-in left Half circle left 10m
5. Half circle right 10m Shoulder-in right
6. Medium trot
7. Collected trot
8. Travers right Half circle right 10m
9. Half circle left 10m Travers left
10. Medium walk Turn left Collect and half turn on haunches left Proceed medium walk
11. Collect and half turn on haunches right Proceed medium walk
12. Medium walk
13. Turn righ tFree walk Medium walk
14. Collected canter left lead
15. Medium canter Collected canter
16. Collected canter
17. (Score for first simple change)
18. (Score for second simple change)
19. (Score for quality of serpentine)
20. Change rein Counter canter
21. Medium walk Collected canter right lead
22. Medium canter Collected canter
23. Collected canter
24. Change rein Counter canter
25. Collected trot
26. Turn left Turn left Halt, salute
27. GAITS (Freedom and regularity)
28. IMPULSION (Desire to move forward; elasticity of the steps; suppleness of the back; engagement of the hindquarters)
29. SUBMISSION (Willing cooperation; harmony; attention and confidence; acceptance of bit and aids; straightness; lightness of forehand and ease of movements)
30. RIDER’S POSITION AND SEAT (Alignment; posture; stability; weight placement; following mechanics of the gaits)
31. RIDER'S CORRECT AND EFFECTIVE USE OF AIDS (Clarity; subtlety; independence; accuracy of test)